Western Global University

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Bachelors in Business Administration

Starts in April, July, October and January

BBA Advanced Entry Program

The goal of higher education is to develop competent and informed students who demonstrate an awareness of work and careers as well as the capacity to swiftly adjust to the demands placed on them by employers and the environment in which they operate. In order to achieve this goal, they work toward the realization of the following set of program outcomes for all of our undergraduate Business Majors.

Students who enroll in the Bachelor of Business Administration program are given the opportunity to work toward the following educational goals:

  • Distinguish between and talk about the different functional components of business, including economics, marketing, accounting, finance, and management.
  • Clearly demonstrate an ability to effectively convey business analysis and suggestions using written forms of communication that are tailored to the audience for whom they are intended.
  • Show that you are able to effectively convey business analyses and suggestions through verbal communication using conventions and forms that are appropriate for the audience you are addressing.
  • Display the capacity to recognize the need for information, as well as the ability to discover, seek, assess, discuss, and effectively use that knowledge to support problem-solving and decision-making.
  • While creating a global perspective, it is important to illustrate the importance of diversity.
  • Develop your capacity for independent thought, critical analysis, and deductive reasoning in order to recognize difficulties and put your problem-solving talents to use.

Entry Requirements

Students who want to get enrolled in the course are required to provide the following supporting documents:

  • A relevant Level 5 Diploma such as Qualifi Level 5 Diploma in Business Management (students need to submit both certificate and transcript on application)
  • A Diploma degree or equivalent or higher qualification
  • A copy of your valid photo ID
  • An updated Curriculum Vitae (a minimum of two years’ worth of management or professional experience at the graduate level; a summary of duties for each position.)
  • A level pass in English.
  • Award of Diploma degree which was studied and assessed in English

Information of the Program and its Execution

Those who have earned a Diploma in Business Administration are regarded as having the knowledge and skills equal to those earned in a high school diploma, and as a result, they are entitled to apply to the BBA.

Students will be expected to complete 120 credits over the course of a semester (4 years)

Extended Diploma in Business Administration students will be eligible to acquire 24 transfer credits, but they will still need to complete 96 more semester courses to graduate (3 years)

Higher Diploma in Business Administration students will be awarded 54 transfer credits, and as a result, they will be needed to complete an additional 66 semester credits (2 years)

Improve Your Chances of Getting a Job

We focus on employability and developing skills and experience employers appreciate. Our skilled faculty will teach you a wide variety of business skills and theory to prepare you for a career in various business fields, and our industry connections mean we know what employers want and personalize our teaching appropriately.
Top-up degrees teach you about your desired field. We help you apply theory, concepts, and real-world problems to businesses and make you globally employable. International business strategy, international business settings, and global management concerns will be covered.
Several local and global firms can use your abilities. Our Employability Challenge Weeks and Leadership Challenge will provide you experience. Both provide creative initiatives, industry presentations, and seminars. You’ll also get help with application forms and CVs.

Student Support

We want our students to get the most out of their investment in their future by taking our course.
Our academic staff, including your program manager and supervisor, will be there for you every step of the way to ensure your success.